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An Interview with Rola Hykova and UKD Project

The following is excerpts from an interview I had recently had the opportunity to conduct with Ms Rola Hykova, the lead singer of the UKD Project, Mr. Anto Cale, the composer, lead set designer and filmographer for UKD Project, and their long term manager and close friend Ms.Lollo Winkler.

Q:UKD project, will you please tell me a bit more about it?

Rola Hykova: yes we make music and we build shows and create lots of different shows in sl and well out of sl before this. *she smiles* we have different shows that we play around the inworld

Q : What is the goal of the UKD?

Rola Hykova: the only thing we love to do here in sl is making our voice and music go round and let as many people as possible reach the pleasure and passion we have for this art.

ME: Spreading the joy of music so to speak?

Rola Hykova: yes what's better than music to express ourselves, and the UKD has this meaning in its name. Spread the joy of music and doing it in a certain way. I always say this,

I only like and appreciate when music is spread with respect.

Music is studying, it is also instinctive, it is continuous perfection,and making a song your own! I always use to evolve my voice. I study and learn new techniques,and make a song always as I feel it.

And that dear reader.. Strong words from a strong and passionate singer in sl. Her voice with their deep, full, and impressive tones is sure to wow!

To experience their music videos check out this youtube link HERE, For live streaming info and more check HERE.

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